A Step-By-Step Guide to Keeping on Track Using a Construction Execution Strategy

The planning of a construction project is crucial to its success, and one critical element is creating an execution plan for the construction project. This should outline the entire project from start to finish. It sets out who should be doing what, when, and even how. 

However, a plan on its own is not enough. We should also create an execution plan checklist. This will ensure we don’t miss any element of the project execution plan. Construction can then take place with confidence that we will stay on track, and that nothing will fall through the cracks.

What is a project execution plan in construction?

A project execution plan in construction is a document that outlines the execution strategy for construction projects. It is a comprehensive document that details the project scope, schedule, and budget, and the practices, procedures, and KPIs associated with:

Benefits of Using a Checklist for a Construction Execution Plan

The purpose of the project execution plan is to ensure that all those involved with construction understand all the project deliverables. It can also be used to help identify and manage project risks, and:

  • Ensure all necessary tasks are completed

  • Help us manage time and resources effectively

  • Improve communication and collaboration among team members

  • Provide a reference point for project stakeholders

Key components of a construction execution plan

Before we can create a checklist, we need to understand the key components of a construction execution plan. These components typically include the following:

Pre-construction phase

  • Site preparation ─ including tasks such as clearing the construction site, preparing the soil, and setting up utilities.

  • Permits and approvals ─ obtaining the necessary permits and approvals from regulatory bodies, including building permits, environmental permits, and zoning permits.

  • Budget and schedule ─ developing a detailed budget and schedule for the construction project, considering all costs, resources, and timelines.

Construction phase

  • Quality control – to ensure that construction work meets the required quality standards, and to implement quality control procedures to identify and correct any issues.

  • Safety and risk management ─ implementing safety measures to protect workers and visitors on the construction site, as well as identifying and mitigating potential risks.

  • Project management ─ managing the construction project from start to finish, including tasks such as resource allocation, scheduling, and communication.

Post-construction phase

  • Final inspection and closeout ─ conducting a final inspection of the completed construction work to ensure that it meets all requirements, as well as closing out any remaining tasks, contracts, and remaining issues.

  • Project handover ─ involves transferring the completed construction work to the owner or operator of the building, including documentation, manuals, and warranties.

  • Warranty and maintenance ─ involves providing ongoing maintenance and support for the completed construction work, including warranties, repairs, and maintenance contracts.

The 6 steps to create an effective construction execution plan checklist

It can be challenging to create a construction execution plan checklist, especially if this is the first time you have done so. However, it’s a process that becomes straightforward if we adopt a methodical, six-step approach:

  1. Determine the scope of the project

This helps to identify the tasks that need to be completed and the resources required to accomplish them.

  1. Identify the key components of the execution plan

We should break down the construction project into its key components and tasks.

  1. Break down each component into smaller tasks

We should further break down each component into smaller tasks to make them more manageable.

  1. Assign tasks to team members

Once we’ve identified and detailed the tasks required for a successful project, we should assign them to the appropriate team members based on their skills and expertise.

  1. Set timelines and deadlines

We should set realistic timelines and deadlines for each task, taking into account any dependencies and constraints.

  1. Monitor progress and make adjustments as necessary

We should regularly monitor progress and adjust the plan as needed to ensure that we’re on track to meet our goals.

Tips for using a construction execution plan checklist

To get the most out of our construction execution plan checklist, we should:

  • Keep the checklist updated, and update it to reflect any changes during the course of the project.

  • Use a digital tool to collaborate and share the checklist with the team, to ensure that all project stakeholders are on the same page.

  • Regularly review the checklist to ensure nothing is missed or has been overlooked. 

  • Use the checklist to identify areas for improvement By reviewing the checklist after the project is complete, we can identify areas for improvement and make adjustments for future projects.


Having a construction execution plan checklist is critical. It helps to keep everyone informed of what must be done, and in turn, this ensures the project is kept on track toward its goals.

By following the six steps outlined in this article, we can create an effective checklist that will help us to manage time and resources, improve how we communicate and collaborate, and ensure that all tasks are completed.

Of course, the devil is in the detail – and all construction projects have their own uniqueness, with unique details that must be included in the checklist. That’s where knowledge and experience come into play.

At ACB Consulting, we are committed to helping improve the communities in which we live, work, and play – including how they are conceived, designed and created. To leverage our experience in successful construction project management, contact ACB Consulting.

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