Your Guide to Creating an Effective Construction Phase Safety Plan

The safety of workers and others during a construction project is crucial. The better your safety record, the more robust your reputation. This has a positive effect on all aspects of construction, including attracting the highest-quality contractors, reducing insurance premiums, and winning contracts for work.

As construction consultants, we place the highest level of importance on preventing accidents and injuries. It’s the right thing to do – for our business, our clients, but, mostly, for those who work on our construction projects.

One of the key site management strategies in our management of health and safety is the construction phase health and safety plan. In this post, we discuss all you need to know about this crucial element of construction project management.

What is a construction phase health and safety plan? 

A construction phase health and safety plan is a document that outlines the safety measures and procedures that will be implemented during the construction phase of a project. 

We design the plan to aid the identification and management of potential hazards that could cause accidents and injuries to people or damage to property. The plan is detailed and comprehensive, delivering a proactive approach to health and safety that creates a safer working environment for everyone.

Why is a construction phase health and safety plan important?

Creating a construction phase health and safety plan helps to ensure the safety of all those who either work on or visit the construction site. It helps to reduce risks of accidents and injuries, providing guidance on how to mitigate those risks. 

The plan also helps us to comply with legal and regulatory requirements. In turn, this protects us and our clients from legal liability by operating within the law.

Finally, as mentioned in the opening of this article, a comprehensive health and safety plan can help to protect the reputations of our clients, our contractors, and us.  

Overview of the construction phase health and safety plan

A construction phase health and safety plan typically includes a number of key components. These include:

  • Risk assessment and management

To identify all potential risks and on-site hazards, and develop strategies to mitigate them.

  • Roles and responsibilities of key personnel

An outline of the responsibilities of all involved in the construction project.

  • Emergency procedures and contingency plans

What if something goes wrong? What should we do? How should we respond? The document must include procedures for responding to emergencies, including natural disasters.

  • Site rules and regulations

An outline of the rules and regulations that are pertinent to govern on-site behavior.

  • Training and supervision requirements

This will identify and outline the training required to ensure that workers are properly trained and effectively supervised.

  • Personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements

Identification of PPE requirements for workers and visitors to the construction site, and detailing how to ensure that PPE requirements are adhered to (including the provision of PPE).

  • Site access and security measures

Detailing the procedures for controlling access to the construction site, to manage both safety and security.

  • Documentation and record keeping

Maintaining records of safety inspections, incidents, and other relevant information.

Who is responsible for creating the plan? 

Typically, the project manager and health and safety manager will develop and implement the construction phase health and safety plan. Input from other stakeholders should be sought.

On projects with multiple contractors, the overriding responsibility falls onto the principal contractor.

When is the plan required? 

A construction phase health and safety plan is required for all construction projects and should be developed before any construction begins. It’s also crucial to keep the plan updated as construction progresses.

The Bottom Line

A construction phase health and safety plan is an essential tool for ensuring the safety of workers and anyone else on the construction site. And it’s a legal requirement.

By identifying potential hazards and risks and proactively mitigating them, we significantly reduce the risk of accidents and injuries. This helps to improve and protect the reputations of all involved in the project, as well as reducing costs and, most importantly, ensuring the safety of all workers and visitors to the construction site. 

We take safety seriously, and we encourage all construction companies to prioritize safety on their construction sites. By doing so, we can create a safer working environment for everyone involved.

At ACB Consulting, we are committed to helping improve the communities in which we live, work, and play – including how they are conceived, designed and created. To leverage our experience in successful construction project management, contact ACB Consulting.

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