What Is the Future of Smart Cities?

We are living in a world with a rapidly changing climate. Many people are already feeling the effects. From flooding in Bangladesh to wildfires in California, we must act now. One way in which we can help to create a more sustainable world is by creating sustainable communities. We must find ways to deliver and maintain a certain quality of life without damaging the environment.

Indeed, the future of architecture is sustainable design. We must create buildings and infrastructures that are efficient, have a low carbon footprint, and can withstand natural disasters.

Predicting trends in housing design is difficult, but…

There are many trends that are emerging in our drive to create sustainable living. These include smart cities, innovative housing, and creative transport solutions. Who would have thought that electric vehicles would have been a thing two decades ago?

While we cannot predict with any certainty what the future holds, emerging trends must be considered. Some of these trends will be embraced more than others. Some will be rejected entirely. However, sustainable living will continue to grow in popularity because of its focus on conservation, intelligent use of resources, and reducing environmental impact.

Will the future be a time when people live in smart cities that are designed to reduce pollution and make it easier to live sustainably? The emergence of sustainable trends often comes down to three things: people, the planet, and profit. Isn’t it time to always prioritize people and the planet over profit?

Categorizing the design of sustainable living

When designing new housing, what is it that we should consider first? How do we ensure that people and the planet are placed above profit in our list of priorities?

We can categorize sustainable living concepts under four main themes:

  1. Green

This includes living in a sustainable environment and using renewable energy such as solar, wind, and hydropower.

  1. Social

This is about building communities that are open to all people, and that integrate well with urban mobility and the provision of community amenities such as work, education, and recreation.

  1. Urban

The idea of developing a diverse community that includes people from diverse backgrounds.

  1. Cultural

Preserving the culture of the community and providing a sense of belonging for everyone who lives there.

Six innovative housing concepts for sustainable living

Not only are we facing an environmental crisis, but we are also in the grips of a housing crisis, too. We must find sustainable solutions to this two-pronged problem. Costs of living are rising, and the fragile nature of our environment and economy has been highlighted by events such as Covid-19 and geopolitics such as the Russia/Ukraine conflict.

Here are six innovative concepts that we feel could grow in popularity as we seek to design sustainable communities in our urban landscapes.

  1. Vertical living ─ A new way to live in a space-saving way

The Vertical Village is a concept based on high-density living and can be achieved by stacking buildings on top of each other and by using the space efficiently. The Vertical Village includes a variety of diverse types of residences, from apartments to condominiums, as well as public spaces like parks and schools.

  1. Underground homes ─ The modern-day hobbit holes

Underground houses have been around for centuries, but they have become more popular recently because of the rapid urbanization and high population density in many countries. Such homes reduce the environmental impact of the home. They are also a wonderful way to protect homes from natural disasters.

  1. Hives ─ Community-based co-living

This concept is based on co-living, which means that people live in small groups or hives with shared spaces such as kitchens and gardens. This would encourage social interactions between residents who share common interests and lifestyles, which can lead to more fulfilling lives.

  1. Tiny homes ─ Small, adaptable spaces

Tiny homes are becoming a trend in the housing market. They are small, usually one or two-roomed homes in which the rooms can be adapted for different uses. A bedroom becomes a lounge, for example. They rely on the intelligent use of furniture and storage.

  1. Lifeboat living ─ Communities working together

The Lifeboat concept is based on self-sustaining communities made up of small residential units that are designed for sustainability with shared renewable energy sources.

  1. Eco-cottages as a low-cost alternative to high rents?

The design of eco-cottages is based on the principles of sustainability and self-sufficiency. They are usually powered by solar panels and have rainwater harvesting systems, composting toilets, and many other features that help reduce their environmental impact.

We must practice best practices in sustainable architecture

The goal of sustainable architecture is to create buildings that can be maintained and repaired without using harmful chemicals or fossil fuels. Sustainable buildings should also have an energy-efficient design which reduces the amount of electricity and heating needed.

But we must do more than simply design and construct eco-friendly homes.

We must develop communities involving people in the design of their neighborhoods, and ensure that we take real needs into consideration.

We must also ensure that we practice innovative housing design, using the latest technologies to reduce the cost and environmental impact of construction.

When developing innovative housing concepts for sustainable living, we must design in a way that is environmentally conscious, resource-efficient, and socially responsible. Only then can we claim to be working for the good of the community, building homes and neighborhoods that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also contribute to the well-being of the environment and society.

At ACB Consulting, we are committed to helping improve the communities in which we live, work, and play – including how they are conceived, designed and created. To leverage our experience in sustainable design and construction, contact ACB Consulting.

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