What Is a School Garden and Why Is It Important?

Many schools are taking steps to take advantage of the benefits of green spaces in schools by implementing school gardens as part of their curriculum. They can be used to teach children about gardening, nutrition, and sustainability. They also provide an opportunity for students to get hands-on experience with gardening, which is a skill that will be valuable in their future. Should we include school gardens within the design factors for low-cost school buildings?

Why are school gardens important?

A school garden is a garden that is located on or near a school campus. The benefits of having a school garden are plentiful. School gardens help to teach children about the environment, how food is grown and where it comes from, and the importance of healthy eating. They also make the learning process more hands-on and engaging for students. 

If schools do not have access to a school garden, they can create their own. There are many ways that this can be done (such as creating a school garden in a vacant lot or using an existing community garden) to unlock the benefits of having a garden at school, which include:

  • Improved physical health

Gardening is a physical activity, which requires focus and coordination. It also teaches children about healthy foods and can be combined with nutritional lessons to develop a better appreciation of the importance of maintaining a healthy diet.

  • Stronger mental health

Research shows that when children connect with nature, it helps them to develop independence and control. Other studies have found that gardening helps to improve children’s self-esteem and coping skills, while also reducing stress and negative emotions.

  • Increased brain power and academic performance

Students who spend time in school gardens are more likely to be creative and imaginative, which helps them develop skills in science, math, language, and arts. 

  • Greater knowledge about the environment and sustainability

School gardens serve as outdoor classrooms. They help children learn how to grow their own food, compost organic waste and take care of plants and animals. They can also provide hands-on lessons about environmental issues such as water conservation or recycling.

Why schools should have gardens: Promoting lifelong healthy habits in children

A healthy lifestyle is something that most people aspire to. But there are many reasons why people struggle to maintain one. School gardens can be a perfect long-term solution to this problem because they are a great way to promote healthy habits in children and healthy lifestyles in adults. One of the main reasons for this is that school gardens provide children with an opportunity to learn about where food comes from, how it is grown, and how it is harvested.

In addition, school gardens can also teach kids about the importance of living in harmony with nature and how it is essential for the environment as well as their own health ─ mental and physical. Gardening is also a life skill that can help children to be more self-sufficient throughout adulthood.

It is for all these reasons that as we redevelop existing schools and construct new schools, we should ensure that we incorporate green space and gardens into our schools.

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