Improving Health, the Environment, and the Economy

Sustainable transportation is a type of transportation that can be sustained over the long term. It is a way to reduce the environmental impact of transportation on our planet and make it more livable for future generations.

When we make transportation in urban planning a priority, urban planners can design our city infrastructure to encourage fewer polluting forms of transport. Simultaneously, as well as reducing greenhouse gas emissions we can work to reduce congestion and make mobility more affordable, accessible, and cost-effective.

The benefits of prioritizing sustainable transportation in urban planning

While transport is the backbone of any economy, it also significantly impacts the environment. It is responsible for moving people and goods from one place to another, connecting people with their jobs, schools, and homes. It also accounts for at least 20% of all global carbon dioxide emissions and about a third of global energy-related CO2 emissions. That’s why sustainable transport is so important for our future.

There are many benefits of prioritizing transportation in urban planning sustainable transport, including:

  • Reduced pollution

  • Improved public health

  • Reduction in greenhouse gas emissions

  • Growth in the local economy

Options for sustainable transportation in cities today

The good news is that there are many sustainable transportation options in cities today to help reduce the carbon footprint and improve air quality. These options include:

  • Bike lanes

  • Public transportation like buses, trains, and trams

  • Car-sharing services like Zipcar or Car2Go

  • Carpooling with friends or neighbors

  • Uber or Lyft for a ride when you need one

Understanding the role that transportation plays in urban planning is crucial to designing cities that are sustainable. They must also consider the future of transport, and the innovations that will shape how we move people and goods in the future. 

The evolution of transport can be rapid. At the turn of the century, who would have thought our streets and sidewalks would be inhabited by autonomous vehicles, autonomous drones for deliveries, and battery-powered scooters?

Urban planning and transportation ─ the challenge ahead

The United Nations Environment Program defines sustainable transportation as “transportation that meets the needs of present generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.” 

Sustainable transportation can also be defined as an approach to urban planning which reduces human impact on climate change by utilizing more environmentally friendly methods of travel.

Urban planners have a key role to play in achieving this goal, and this role is likely to become more challenging as our city populations continue to grow.

At ACB Consulting, we are committed to helping improve the communities in which we live, work, and play – including how they are conceived, designed, and created. To leverage our experience in sustainable design and construction, contact ACB Consulting.

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